Interactive installation
By Citlali Hernรกndez and Nรบria Nia

Collaborators: Jรบlia Mugica, Ivรกn Paz and Andrรฉs Costa.
XIII Mostra Sonora i Visual – Convent de Sant Agustรญ, Barcelona.
June 2023
Interactive installation that explores the links between the human physical body data and the body digital behavioral data hosted on the Internet. The piece is composed by a drip system with the cultivation of different microorganisms collected from the bodies of the artists. Based on probabilistic models with Markov Chains, three algorithms create sentences based on the conversations of both artists on social networks. The generated texts can be heard through two Text To Speech systems on three loudspeakers distributed in the space.
With the support of:
Grant for research and innovation in visual arts, new creative sectors, performing arts, music and thought (2022), Generalitat de Catalunya. The first phases were developed during artistic residences in the framework of ISEA (International Symposium of Electronic Arts) in Lo Pati (Terres de l’Ebre) in June 2022, and the creative space Konvent (Berga), in August 2022.
Photo credits: Andrรฉs Costa and Cristina Claramunt.